Friday, 24 November 2017

Writing test

Which makes a better pet cat or dog?

So which animal makes a better pet? Well I strongly believe a dog the way to go. Dogs may have some disadvantages, but so does a cat. Playful dogs and require a lot attention than most cats do, cats like to lay around and sleep. Take into consideration that when you adopt a cat they can be quite demanding. Cats can be deceiving animals, they like to rob you of your food and love.

Starting off if you give your dog the love and caring it will become your best friend, ever heard of the saying “a man's best friend”? Well that's true. Dogs are some of the greatest companions you could have. They are great for; adventures, hunting, playing games, investigations and much more. If we go back into the Egyptian times cats pretty ruled the Egyptian times. Back then there was only one breed and they were the the sphinx. In Egypt there is even a statue of the sphinx, which lost its nose. This being said cats have been the rulers and dogs are man's best friend .

Different types of dog breeds are great for different types of things. In the police business German shepherds help polices officers crimes, they can be quite energetic and a handful but besides that they still help police officers. If you want to adopt a dog that will be your best friend, a Labrador is a great choice. Like German shepherds they can be quite energetic as well, but they will love you forever if you care for them. Some soldiers that have been in the war and have come back having nightmares about the war, use Labradors to check that there is no danger in their homes. Some Labradors can also be great for duck hunting. While some will be frighten by the gun and run for their lives.

Lastly dogs are far more active than cats depending on the breed; this makes it easier to keep pet healthy and fit. Cats can be difficult to keep healthy if you don’t give them the right diet. You might think they are playing and being fit when you let them into the outside world. But most likely they are laying around somewhere sleeping and definitely not being fit and healthy. The only time they get up and jump around is when the demand food, then they go back to sleeping. You must take into consideration that what breed a dog is, it can be more expensive than cats. The larger the dog the more food is required.

This is why I conclude that dogs make a better pet than cats. When you think about their history and what more opportunities you get with a dog than a cat, They can make a better pet. Depending on what breed of animal you get can also make a different. Different breeds of cats may be energetic and breeds of dogs can be quite lazy. Though when you compare them together dogs have more good qualities.

By Jessica.

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Music is more important than sports

Music is more important than sports

I believe that music is more important than sports. Music can create a huge impact around the world. What you feel while writing music is what people will feel when listening to your music, it is amazing what you can create only using words. Music gives you more chances in life to become success and give a steady career. For example you get enter music contests and that could already be the start of your success. You just to give all you effort, as well as in sports.

Firstly think about what you could do when writing music. When writing music you can express your emotions through the words you write. Unlike music, when playing sports it can be difficult to express any emotions through sports. If you are feeling depressed while writing your song, your music will feel more gloomy. If you are more excited your song will feel more joyous. You might not even realize what you are writing in songs is expressing how you feel. Music can help you let loose and write down everything down and turn it into something amazing.

Furthermore in the music business you have far more opportunities than sports. Music gives you the chance to enter singing contests, like the voice. That could be the start of your career. Music also gives you the chance to get recognized around the world. In the future you could become on of the most famous song writers. Sports does also give you the chance to have a successful career, but you might not get as recognized as a songwriter. Unlike sports with music you don’t have to stick with on type of music. In sports you stay with one type of sports, e.g sports, tennis, soccer.

You must consider in sports you also get more exercise than songwriting, sports can give you a more healthier lifestyle than songwriting. But you can’t stay as a sports player forever. Most sports players retire around their 30’s and 40’s, depending on the sports. Most sports are quite active which makes it harder to play in the future. Which also causes you to get hurt easier When making music you can keep making music when you're old and gray. Music dosen’t require and physical activity, which makes it easier to play when you're older. Around the world music people in their seventies are still making music, though it might not be as modern, they are still making music

In conclusion I believe that music is more important than sports. There is so many more opportunities you get while doing music and you can still carry on doing music when your old, unlike sports. There is so much you can create doing music, which also affects other people. There's far more people in the world that gets recognized for music than sports. It is endless what you can create with music, you just have to use your imagination.

By Jessica