Wednesday, 8 February 2017



Everyone has a different way of learning things, there are three different ways: Visual learning, Auditory learning and Kinesthetic learner. If you use the visual style you learn by watching and writing. If you are a Auditory learning you learn by listening and hearing. A Kinesthetic Learner carrings out physical activities, rather than listening to a lecture or watching demonstrations

Kinesthetic Learner

Kinesthetic Learners are known as doers. it's hard for them to sit still for long and subconsciously fidget, twirl a pen, shake their leg eg. They enjoy being active and participating in sports, they have lots of physical energy and are quite agile (move quickly and easy).

Image result for kinesthetic wordTips to make it easier for Kinesthetic Learners to learn:

  • Take active breaks when study, only for about 10-15 minutes
  • Keep your fingers moving while working and your body, while reading or writing
  • stand up and walk around keeping active
  • Assemble charts and diagrams
  • Discuss your ideas with another Kinesthetic learner to help improve your work
  • Use Pictures and Photographs that illustrate and idea and explain it
  • While in class take note when your teacher is talking to help remember
  • When reading try reading out loud to remember the words (maybe not in silent reading)
  • Set up a work area with as few distractions as possible so your not fidgeting with anything
  • Think of real life scenarios to help you get ideas for writing
  • Act things out, for example point to things and use hand gestures when explaining things
  • Figure out a way to be active in class, preferably something not disruptive (Disclaimer: I am not held responsible if you are disruptive)
  • Trace words and letters to learn spelling words easier and quicker
  • Image result for sitting in a bean bagGet a fidget cube!Image result for agile skeleton

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