Wednesday 31 October 2018

NZL - Assessment Video

Websites: Screencastify, Biteable and Kapwing

Wednesday 8 August 2018

Thursday 2 August 2018

Wednesday 1 August 2018


In Class today we had to write a certain code to create a moving object, the code we used was A Turtle in Space.. We had to change the background color and the shape of the moving object.

Wednesday 25 July 2018

Challenges with Python

In class today we had to do a challenge which was to create a foot ball field with code. we to name and color the players, to indicate what position the dots were (e.g, Center Back, Mid Field and Fall Back). Every single position had a x an y value which would change where the dots were placed.

Friday 15 June 2018

About Speech (for English)

In English we had to write a speech about a book or movie we watched and link it to the hero cycle.

One thing about speech:
Personally I struggled presenting my speech. I had focused on writing my speech and also making the slideshow to go with my speech, but had not put a lot of time and effort speaking and and talking about my speech to an audience. Because of that my less favourite part about the speeches was presenting my speech, I have not had much practice with presenting speeches. Though I did enjoy making the slideshow, it gave me a chance to be creative and also try new things.

Friday 8 June 2018

Expanding Brackets

Expanding Brackets

Expanding Brackets requires the problem solver to expand what is in the brackets and turn it into a expression. Having brackets is a way to keep everything together, but we need to skimpily the brackets to an expression.
1. 6(3x + 8)


We need to times 6 by 3x which = 18x
We also need to times 6 by 8 which = 48

18x + 48
This is as far as the question can be simplified, it is now a expression. An expression doesn't have a equal sign so it is not a equation. 


Tuesday 15 May 2018


 Art definition: 

(The conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic objects)

(Paintings, drawings, and sculptures that are created to be beautiful or to express ideas)

(Usually unlawful writing or drawing on a public surface)   

Difference between art and graffiti:
Image result for ArtArt and graffiti often get mixed up with one another because they have so many similarities, but there is some differences between art and graffiti. **Graffiti artists do not care about about the public understanding there art** and most commonly tag public property with words illegally. Often graffiti artists only graffiti to speak to other graffiti artists, for example one gang might be trying to intimidate other gang. Artists try and give their work a meaning and want people to view their art and understand the meaning behind it, even if it is a little difficult to understand.

Is graffiti art or vandalism?
There are two different types of art, street art graffiti (art) and graffiti art (vandalism), the main difference between street art and graffiti is the legal rights. Another difference between street art graffiti and art is that commonly graffiti artists don’t care about expressing their emotions and most commonly only tag public property using maybe and gang name or inappropriate words. Street art expresses emotions and sends a message, unlike graffiti, the artists also have permission to do the art. It also depends where the art is located, if the graffiti is located on public property without any permission, than it is vandalism. A street artist may create street art on a brick wall with permission.

                     Graffiti (vandalism)                                                                     Street Art (Art) 
Image result for Street artImage result for vandalism graffiti