Friday 15 June 2018

About Speech (for English)

In English we had to write a speech about a book or movie we watched and link it to the hero cycle.

One thing about speech:
Personally I struggled presenting my speech. I had focused on writing my speech and also making the slideshow to go with my speech, but had not put a lot of time and effort speaking and and talking about my speech to an audience. Because of that my less favourite part about the speeches was presenting my speech, I have not had much practice with presenting speeches. Though I did enjoy making the slideshow, it gave me a chance to be creative and also try new things.

Friday 8 June 2018

Expanding Brackets

Expanding Brackets

Expanding Brackets requires the problem solver to expand what is in the brackets and turn it into a expression. Having brackets is a way to keep everything together, but we need to skimpily the brackets to an expression.
1. 6(3x + 8)


We need to times 6 by 3x which = 18x
We also need to times 6 by 8 which = 48

18x + 48
This is as far as the question can be simplified, it is now a expression. An expression doesn't have a equal sign so it is not a equation. 
